JEB Decompiler 교육 과정
바이너리 코드 디컴파일 및 디버그

JEB Decompiler 교육 과정
구분 교육내용 MODULE1 - Using JEB
- Overview of the JEB architecture
- Reverse engineering Android apps, binary files, and documents
- Overview of the unified JEB API and current features
MODULE2 - Developing engine and parser plugins
- What are parser plugins and how do they fit within input processing
- Development of our own plugins for executable and data files (2 days)
MODULE3 - Developing client scripts in Python
- What are scripts and how different are they from plugins
- Writing headless and UI scripts in Python (1 day)
MODULE4 - Developing third-party clients
- Third-party client for bulk processing and pipeline integration
- Development of a simple headless client for bulk processing